Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting Readership Again....

Once again I have people hitting up on my Blog. I hope its not Goli advertising for me again and asking people to read my blog...though this time I am sure people will be in for a surprise...I am too occupied to yield the overstuffed pen I used to yield then...I was at war...and it showed through in my writings... Maybe I have actually risen above it now...And though making it "inspirational" was not My idea....I wont mind having contributory acknowledgement if it turns out to be so...if it saves someone else from going through the muck and disillusion life offers those who dare question the system...or who try to bend rules forgetting different laws and compulsions drive different men and women....

But its a paradox...In a different date...WHITEWASHED RAINBOWS raw, emotional, amateur had close to 30 comments...the ALL NEW WHITEWASHED RAINBOWS is professional, insider's story, preened, pruned and edited and corrected strangely has none. Mostly I think its my hiatus from writing...I quit writing for 3 years..But then a second thought arises in my alter's mind...

Have I really lost it?


1 comment:

  1. The seeds of writng may go into hibernation,but can't be lost.I,as a reader of your blog,sense a novelist of future.
