Friday, September 3, 2010

I am obsessed with neat looking files and treatment charts that have less than 2 cancelled orders. But I am wondering if that part of the Obsessive Compulsive disorder I have to keep things clean, then why I don't carry it to my room. My room is a heap of mess, do not know if it is for the stuff that I kept lugging from Delhi, a total of contents of three rooms all shoved into one small dreary room I have here, with its books and papers, all flying about, and now 2 computers to add. For this reason I choose to suffer the summer heat and not add a refrigerator and cooler to it. Tonight I am going to clean it, in terms of shoving out the papers and literature I have been bringing home. Then I will get that 20 kilos of books from Delhi I am planning to finish. God be with me.


  1. yes clear the clutter you haven't touched for last three years - it brings peace! good luck

  2. how did u know that its three years? do we know each other?
